Two classic Lakeboats from the Lower Lakes fleet layover in Sarnia, Ontario on Winter Layup. Crews performing maintenance on these beauties hopefully mean many more seasons to come - but who's waiting? Get them while you still can.
Copyright Notice: This image ©Stephen Host all rights reserved.

Caption: Two classic Lakeboats from the Lower Lakes fleet layover in Sarnia, Ontario on Winter Layup. Crews performing maintenance on these beauties hopefully mean many more seasons to come - but who's waiting? Get them while you still can.

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Date: 02/11/2017 (search)
Company: Lower Lakes Towing Inc. (search)
Ship Type: Bulk Carrier (search)
Propulsion: Diesel (search)
Year Built: 1952 (search)
Country: Sarnia, Ontario Canada (search)
Length/Width: 0,
Registry Nanticoke (search)
Ship Name: Ojibway, Cuyahoga (search)
Photo ID: 165
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One Response
  1. mile27 says:

    Very nice, Stephen. Absolutely, get the classics while you can.

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